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Alternatives to Buttock Augmentation Implants

Alternatives to Buttock Augmentation Implants

Every year a large number of women undergo buttock augmentation for the sake of beautification. However many alternatives are available to buttock augmentation implants. Resorting to these alternatives can save you from undergoing expensive and painful procedure of buttock augmentation with the same results as the implants. Buttock augmentation through surgical procedure is not only expensive and painful but it also has some potential risks as it is accomplished by implanting a large amount of fats in the buttock region. Excess of fats is certainly hazardous for the body and hence it becomes imperative that we look for such alternatives to buttock augmentation implants which give us the same results with none or minimum negative consequences.

Luckily we have some alternatives to buttock augmentation implants which are as good as the implants without any side effects. Below are cheaper and healthy alternatives to buttock augmentation implants.

Buttock AUgmentation

1-Special buttock exercises: Exercise is the way to attain buttocks of your desired size and shape. With proper exercise you can build up your buttocks in a surprisingly shorter period of time. There are some specific exercises for buttocks build up. If carried out properly and regularly, these exercises can prove to be the cheapest and healthy way of buttock augmentation. Some of the buttock exercises which can be extremely helpful contain hip-lift progression, toe taps, squat with kick-back, dumbbell squat, pile, and many more. Carrying out these exercises in any combination or singly will be suffice as long as these are done on regular basis. Another important thing about these exercises is that before doing them the body should be warm enough to stretch the buttock muscles without any difficulty. It is important to keep in mind that while doing any buttock exercise for the purpose of augmentation you should never over stretch the buttock muscles as they would lead to muscles strain which in turn hinders the process of buttock augmentation.

2-Keeping proper diet: A proper diet is solution to almost everybody-related problem as body gets all its energy from the food we eat. Any kind of proper diet will certainly help us achieve our goals regarding body modification. Keeping a proper diet is an excellent alternative to buttock augmentation implants. There is a long list of foods that can be helpful in attaining the desired buttock shape and size. Foods which are rich in fats are the most helpful for this purpose. However, we should be mindful of the fat that excess intake of fats can be hazardous to our body in many ways. So in this case intake of fats only is not enough rather your diet should contain vitamins, protein, and calcium. While fats will contribute to the size of buttocks, the other components will help in keeping them in the proper shape. Some of the foods which are extremely helpful in buttock augmentation are beef, chicken, fish, cereals, milk, pasta, olive oil, nuts and so on and so forth.

Going through painful surgical procedures for buttock augmentation surely seems an irrational decision when we have available cheaper and healthy ways to achieve the same goal. The above mentioned alternatives to buttock augmentation implants are not only cheaper and healthy but also make side effects out of question.

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