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How to Reduce Weight Quickly After Child Birth or Post Pregnancy

How to Reduce Weight Quickly After Child Birth or Post Pregnancy

Reducing weight after child birth is one of the key problems that women face around the globe. The desire of reducing weight quickly after child birth has inspired a lot of women to resort to different strategies. It is natural for most of the women to gain weight during pregnancy but it becomes a real problem if this weight sustains after the child birth. The intake of great amount of food and abstinence from physical work during pregnancy lead to gaining tremendous amount of weight. Having more weight during pregnancy is not much of an issue for women as they can easily bar their mobility in their social circles during that time period.  However, in post pregnancy scenario when mobility of the women in public spaces increases all of a sudden their weight really becomes an issue. Different strategies can be employed to reduce weight after child birth. These strategies include use of medicines, intake of proper food, and exercise on a daily basis. Putting use of medicines aside, which might have numerous side effects,  maintaining a proper diet and regular exercise are the two best ways through which weight can be reduced after child birth in a surprisingly short time.

Keeping a proper diet- Keeping a proper diet after child birth is essential not only for the mother`s health for also for the health of breast-feeding baby. Losing weight for those women who are breast-feeding their babies is really an enigma in a sense that they need to keep up with their requirement of lactating while trying to reduce weight at the same time. Keeping this in mind it is extremely necessary to choose the diet which can fulfill the required number of calories and keep the weight constant simultaneously.

What constitutes a proper diet- There is a wide range of food that serves both to provide energy and reduce weight. All such foods which can be prepared instantly are highly beneficial for fulfilling the required number of calories. Such foods also help in reducing weight if consumed on a regular basis. All kind of fresh fruit and vegetables make the list of such foods. Along with this, foods which are rich in calcium, like milk, grains, soybeans, cornflakes, and yogurt, should be an essential part of your diet as these keep your milk flowing for the child. While it is necessary to keep your daily calories intake at the optimum level i.e. 2000 per day, consuming high level calories on daily basis lead to putting on more weight. Thus for the purpose of reducing weight food like chocolate, fried food, and fat rich foods should be avoided.

Exercise- Alongside proper diet it is also necessary to carry out exercise on a daily basis. In order to compensate for the inactive time span of pregnancy try to avoid sedentary activities as much as you can. Taking a walk, a few pushups, and stretching the abdomen muscles must be a part of your daily exercise. This not only helps in burning extra calories that you might have taken but also help in reducing your body fats that might have been accumulated during the pregnancy. However, for those who have done C-section it might not be possible for to carryout rigorous exercise. In such case light exercise can be carried out, like taking long breaths for ten to fifteen minutes a day and taking a slow-pace walk.

Losing weight after child birth can be a tiresome job but it can be done much easily with the help of proper diet and regular exercise. Keeping in mind the well-being of new-born any intake of food needs to be beneficial for both the mother and her child. This also makes the use of medicines for losing weight a highly risky thing to do.

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