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Got Migraine Headache? Symptoms, Causes and Cures of Migraine

Got Migraine Headache? Symptoms, Causes and Cures of Migraine

A migraine headache can cause an intense throbbing pain at the front or on one side of the head. People also have the symptoms of light or sound sensitivity, nausea and vomiting. Some migraines also come with sensory warnings such as vision disturbance or tingling in your arm and leg. These sensory warning signs are called aura. Migraine is a common and neurovascular disease. Migraines have different types.  Migraine with aura, migraine without aura and migraine without headache are the types of migraine.

Five Stages of Migraine.


This stage can begin hours or days before the actual pain start. In this stage, people experience changes in mood, behaviour and appetite.


Some people experience aura which is a complex of neurological symptoms.   Aura develops in 5-20 minutes and lasts less than 60 minutes.

Headache stage:

In this stage, a throbbing pain usually occurs on one side of the head. Patients who get migraine have a strong desire to lie down in a darkened room. This stage lasts for 4 to 72 hours.

Resolution stage:

Most attacks gradually fade away. The pain usually goes away with sleep.


In this stage, people experience the other signs of the migraine such as exhausting weakness.

Migraine appears between the ages of 10 to 45 and women are affected by it more than men. There are different causes of migraines. It can be occur by the abnormal brain activity, it may run in your families, loud noises or bright lights, alcohol, stress, changes in hormone levels due to birth control pills, exercises, missed meal, smoking and changes in the environment.

Possible Cures of Migraine:

There is no specific cure for migraine headaches but pain relieving and pain preventive medications are available. Migraine attacks can be preventing by medication, nutritional supplements, and alteration in lifestyle and by surgery. Migraine medicines can prevent migraine attacks. There are many pain relieving drugs for the migraine headaches. Migraine headaches can be cured by two types of treatment.

Abortive and Preventive:


This treatment is used to prevent from migraine pains. Abortive medicines are useful for the people who have nausea or vomiting related migraine.


This type of treatment is useful for the prevention of severe migraines and for those migraines that occurs frequently or more than one migraine per week. Preventive treatment is used to lessen the frequency and the severity of migraines. Antidepressants, blood pressure medicines such as beta blockers are helpful for sever migraines. Botox injections also help to reduce migraine.

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